Wednesday, June 19, 2024
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GCC revival is a step in right direction: SODELPA

The Social Democratic Liberal Party says the re-establishment of the Great Council of Chiefs is a step in the right direction for indigenous rights and people.

In a statement, SODELPA has indicated that the GCC can play a crucial role in representing and empowering indigenous Fijians, addressing issues related to land ownership, resource management, and cultural preservation.

The GCC has historically been instrumental in governing and leading indigenous Fijians, and its disbandment in 2012 faced opposition from those who saw it as a threat to their cultural heritage and political representation.

SODELPA has emphasized the importance of upholding the UNDRIP, and re-establishing the GCC is an essential aspect of leadership for indigenous Fijians, as it serves as a platform for consultation and decision-making among chiefs and leaders of Fiji’s indigenous communities.

“To ensure that the re-establishment of the GCC does not burden taxpayers, SODELPA has meticulously planned and assigned financial resources through Fijian Holdings Limited investments and iTaukei Trust Funds, as outlined in the party’s manifesto.”

“The upcoming opening program is a significant part of the Coalition Agreement, which includes a provision for the establishment of the GCC.”

The statement said that while some have questioned the decision and budget allocated for this special occasion, the Coalition Government should not be reminded of its responsibility to address the aspirations of the iTaukei people.

“Overall, the revival of the GCC could have a positive impact on the political representation and empowerment of indigenous Fijians, and it’s crucial to execute the process transparently and inclusively, taking into account the interests and voices of all Fijians,” the statement further highlighted.

Ilaitia Ravuwai
Ilaitia Ravuwai
Journalist |


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