Monday, June 17, 2024
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Pacific Partnership returns to Fiji

Pacific Partnership has returned to Fiji to conduct the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission.

Returning to Fiji for the second time during the 2023 mission, Pacific Partnership enables participants to work together to enhance disaster response capabilities and foster new and enduring friendships in Fiji.

Engagements for this year’s mission are scheduled to take place across Suva, Savusavu and Nadi.

At the invitation of Fiji, Pacific Partnership’s mission is to conduct tailored humanitarian and civic preparedness activities in areas such as engineering, disaster response, public health, and Fijian outreach events.

This year’s mission, featuring nearly 1500 personnel, is a joint effort on behalf of Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

“Unique to Pacific Partnership 2023, I am eager to announce that Pacific Partnership will make two visits to Fiji over the course of this year’s mission,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Claudine Caluori, mission commander.

“We are very grateful that we have been given the opportunity to double our time to build enduring connections with the local Fijian community in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

While in Fiji, Pacific Partnership 2023 will provide tailored medical care focusing on subject-matter exchanges and community education, conduct repairs at a local schoolhouse, and knowledge exchanges with exercises covering disaster response and humanitarian assistance.

As part of PP23, the mission team will conduct missions throughout Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands.

Reginald Chandar
Reginald Chandar
Head of News & Sports |


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