Thursday, May 9, 2024
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Privacy Policy

FijiLive collects personal information such as your name, address, date of birth, occupation, email address and phone number when you register or when you use FijiLive products or services. We also collect information about your activities with us as well as your IP address, cookie information, and the web pages you request. This information will be used to customise advertising and content, fulfill your requests for products and services, improve services, research, and provide reports for clients. If a child under age 15 tries to register, we advise that they should seek parental permission.

FijiLive does not sell or share personal information about you with other people or companies. FijiLive may, however, release such information if legally bound to do so or if we believe it will help prevent an illegal activity including threatening a person’s life. Access of such information to staff is limited. FijiLive may also set cookies on your computer. We will also send you FijiLive related announcements from time to time. In the event that FijiLive is sold, all such information will be transferred to the acquiring company.

Overall your information is password protected, Fijilive uses industry-standard SSL encryption to protect data transmission. If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please contact us on (679) 3300591 or email us on


